Varnish: implementation, configuration and development (ESI, Ajax)

I had to set up Varnish recently. I only knew the name, it allowed me to…

MySQL definer and Sql Security Invoker – Security of stored procedures

One of your DBAs, or one of your developers creating stored procedures is gone. You want…

Self hosting – Act 3 – Music streaming server

If like me you are passionate about music, you might want to easily listen to one…

MySQL CONCAT, encoding and null values

I recently came across two behaviors of the MySQL CONCAT function which caused me problems with…

Self hosting – Act 2 – ownCloud

For those who missed the first episode , I am setting up a self-hosted web server…

Self hosting – Act 1

We have more and more communication media (pc, laptop, smartphone, tablets) and being able to synchronize…

List and create symbolic links in Linux

In a development project, you may need to create symbolic links. Especially if you use cross-functional…