List and create symbolic links in Linux

In a development project, you may need to create symbolic links. Especially if you use cross-functional libraries for your different projects and want to centralize them. If you want to reassemble a new project using the same symlinks, it can be useful to list all the symlinks in a project to make sure you don’t forget any.

List symbolic links

All you have to do is go to the root of your project, and type the following command to recursively list all the symbolic links:

find . -type l

Create a symbolic link

If you realize that you are missing a symbolic link, or that it is not good, you will need to create a symbolic link. To do this, here is the command:

ln -s dossierALier/ nomLienSymbolique

Be careful, you have to start with the name of the folder you want to link, and then put the name of the link. The classic error is to do the opposite.


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