Want to display the files in a Linux folder sorted by date, with the oldest first…
Category: Development and databases
Articles on technologies that interest me, projects that I had to carry out. Or simply news on what is being done in web development, database, system.
Use MySQL functions, triggers and stored procedures
Using MySQL functions, triggers, and stored procedures has many advantages, but also some challenges. We will…
Explain: MySQL query optimization
There is a tool integrated into MySQL which makes it possible to obtain very interesting information,…
MySQL cursor: Loop over a recordset
If you use MySQL stored procedures a lot, you probably needed to loop over a recordset…
SSIS: call a package from a PHP page
We work a lot with SQL Server and the related software suite (SSIS, SSRS in particular,…
Jira: Project management and bugtracker
Several months ago, we decided to change tools for managing our projects and managing incidents and…
Automatic changelog with Git
If you use Git (why not with SourceTree as in this article ), you may want…
MySQL, find records containing an escape character
A quick article for a question I had to ask myself recently. How to make in…
MySQL replication: implementation and points to check
MySQL replication is relatively simple to set up, there are still a few points not to…